Buck's Phototales

Amazon Assassin
Failure of Stealth
(Clumsiness Can Cost You!)

"First and foremost ...
Stealth is essential ...
Not only must the assassin catch the Sentry unaware ...
She must do so unobserved by anyone else who may be in the surrounding area ..."

"The Sentry may not be over-joyed in drawing guard-duty while the others of her Clan
are either engaged in revelry or sleeping peacefully ...
But it is best to assume that she is both diligent and adept with her own weapons ..."

"And so the assassin must use all caution lest she tread upon the fateful twig whose snap will serve to be her own undoing!"

"For at the slightest sound, the Sentry will immediately swing into action !"

"And so instead of catching the sentry unaware so that you may simply cut her throat ...
All advantage will be lost and the assassin will instead be confronted with a stout adversary
who knows the use of the spear which she now brandishes in your direction!"

"And now it is you - the would-be assassin having failed in the vital element of Stealth who is at a decided disadvantage!"

"And as the Sentry brings her spear into play ..."

"The assassain will realize that her own small knife is no match for that spear!"

"A point that is literally driven home as the spear pierces your chest!"

"A point that is literally driven home as the spear pierces your chest!"

"She will be left with little time to realize the error of her ways ..."

"And no time at all in which to make amends!"

"The assassin will pay for her mistake of that I may assure you!"

"For a blade driven beneath the breast-bone kills only slightly more quickly
than had the Sentry chosen to drive her spear into her assailant's navel!"

"And whether the assassin will suffer more in dying than at the knowledge of having failed in her mission ..."

"Well ...
Who is there among us who can rightfully say?"

"Suffice it to say that about the only purpose the assassin is apt to serve now ..."

"Is to be an object of some amusement to the Sentry as she lays writhing before her ..."

"Squirming about in her death throes ..."

"Until at last even those come to an end ...
As indeed all things must ..."

"Were I the Sentry, I likely could not resist the temptation
to plumb the depths of my assailant's navel with my spear ...
Just to see whether there were any remaining signs of life!"

"On the other hand ...
Knowing full well that my would-be assassin was herself now laying dead at my feet ..."

"I could choose to keep matters on a more - shall we say - Professional Level ...
And so I would resist the temptation to prod my victim unnecessarily ...
My foot pressed to the dead woman's chest would likely suffice!"

"For after all ..."

"The defeat of any opponent by a Sentry while standing watch at her post ..."

"Is in an of itself quite a Feather in one's Cap!"

"For could not the eventual outcome of an entire plan of attack ..."

"Have been hinged upon the success of this first foray into the enemy compound?
Stealth then Is of Utmost Importance and so my Daughters, is Paramont in this, our Plan of Instruction!"